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Research report may differ between Rabbit RA and other research analysts on account of differences in personal judgement and time horizon based on which report is prepared. Our report is without prejudice on the views made in the research reports prepared / issued by other than Rabbit RA.
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Dear Client,
Rabbit RA Private Limited (“Rabbit RA”) CIN –U67100MH2022PTC383907 is registered as Research Analyst under SEBI (Research Analyst) Regulations, 2014 bearing SEBI Registration No - INH000010964 having its Registered office - 108, 10th Floor, Mittal Chamber, Nariman Point, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India-400021.
In a complex world of investing and trading, Rabbit research aims to cut through the clutter. There are thousands of analysts, strategies and reports available to you. At rabbit research we aim to sift through the noise and bring the best of the best to our clients.
We track and evaluate various research analysts on a wide variety of parameters.
We are Sebi Registered Research Analysts, who besides looking at track record and past performance, we also do a deep dive into the psyche and motivations that drive an analyst to better understand the person behind the research.
At Rabbit, we “sift through the noise” to get help you achieve the best possible returns, and to multiply your wealth. We partner with our clients to help them achieve their aspirations.
The last decade has seen an unprecedented growth in the Indian markets and the number of traders have grown exponentially. Today, we remain on top of all the changes in the fast paced Indian and global markets and provide our clients with cutting edge research. Our primary objective is to aide and make your decision process simpler, cost effective and impactful at the same time.
A. Vision and Mission Statements for investors
Vision: Invest with knowledge & safety.
Mission: Every investor should be able to invest in right investment products based on their needs, manage and monitor them to meet their goals, access reports and enjoy financial wellness.
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To provide research recommendation, based on analysis of publicly available information and known observations.
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Onboarding of Clients
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In case of any grievance / complaint, an investor should approach the concerned Research Analyst and shall ensure that the grievance is resolved within 30 days.
Contact Person - Rupali Indulkar - +91 99670 14144 -
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https://scores.sebi.gov.in/ -
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E. Expectations from the investors (Responsibilities of investors)
Always deal with SEBI registered Research Analyst.
Ensure that the Research Analyst has a valid registration certificate.
Check for SEBI registration number.
Please refer to the list of all SEBI registered Research Analysts which is available on SEBI website in the following link: https://www.sebi.gov.in/sebiweb/other/OtherAction.do?doRecognisedFpi=yes&intm Id=14)
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Before buying securities or applying in public offer, check for the research recommendation provided by your Research Analyst.
Ask all relevant questions and clear your doubts with your Research Analyst before acting on the recommendation.
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Rabbit RA Private Limited - 110, Floor-1, Plot-289, EMCA House, Shahid Bhagat Singh Road,
Ballard Estate, Town Hall, Mumbai, MH 400001, IN
Website: https://www.rabbitresearch.in
CIN - U67100MH2022PTC383907
SEBI Registration No - INH000010964
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Rabbit RA or our associate or our relative may have beneficial ownership of one per cent. or more securities of the subject company, at the end of the month immediately preceding the date of publication of the research report .[AK1]
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Rabbit RA or its associate or our relative has not served as an officer, director or employee of the subject company.
Our report/recommendations must not be considered as Unpublished Price Sensitive Information or any sort of non - public information or any tips for investments in the securities.
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Our Directors/Principle officer or our associates have not received any compensation or other benefits from the subject company or third party in connection with the research report.
Other Disclosure
Rabbit RA has not served as an officer, director or employee of the subject company;
Rabbit RA has not been engaged in market making activity for the subject company.